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13. Do not forget anything in CV

13. Do not forget anything in CV

Will not get a second chance after the first impression, requires companies to consider the hundreds of CV in a short time, the researchers say that managers do not, they may take more than a minute to browse any biography and other studies suggest that this period less than 6 seconds, and there are some international companies big that some of the software that you choose all the random based on information entered by managers to use so you must learn how to enter the mindset of managers in order to reflect on the way you write autobiography.

CV 2

1. Do not want to see the history of your life:

Many applicants want to submit a comprehensive CV includes all the relevant information, etc. For example Aa some applicants jobs that were working in the summer holiday while unrelated to job applicants.

The solution in that you should only put the information on your experience and skills gained by that is related to the job applicant

2. Managers do not want to see biography chaotic:

This more things that cause anger when managers are looking for something in your resume and feel that they have entered into a maze with no way out of them so it should be your CV neatly organized and the way to do that makes it so simple as possible.

Remember your name and a way to contact you and then your current location and the skills enjoyed by job-related and not forget to mention the date of the beginning and the end, with reference to some of the tasks and achievements that you have made

3. You must not put your photo or any other images:

In general do not have to put your picture in the personal biography is in every way that your CV will be impressed asks there to recognize you and then Sirak on nature. Therefore, in general, do not put your self-image only if requested in the application form.

4. You should not put vague goals objectives:

Your writing to the objectives of which include the acquisition of skills and experience, in fact disturbs managers and to encourage managers through goals part should put some different-sounding phrases like "looking for a job with challenges help me to be more professional."

5. Do not want to see personality irrelevant details:

If we assume that you are some of the activities such as playing a particular sport, reading, for example, but they are not relevant to the job applicant they are considered superfluous details should not put it in your resume, and this also applies to voluntary activity is not relevant. So look at your resume and try to look at the details is important that you should remove them

6. do not have to skip your skills in a traditional way:

When he sees that you are a professional director in the use of Microsoft office will begin Baltthaab everyone can work out and the evidence that you wrote your resume.

If you are moving to obtain a job in software development if all your skills should be mentioned in the field of software and programming languages ​​that use Tcetkaa etc. be. Ksark usual routine in CVS may distinguish you

7. do not have to put a lot of Aldgv points:

Weaknesses are considered a black spot in your resume that did not have a clear explanation of it and be positive. So I always tried to evade this point or to put a logical explanation

8. Do not excel in the art of lines:

Is the number of colors and the large number of longer lines at the CV of things is not professional and that lost time director when reading your resume. So it must be a single font of every word which does not exceed the size of the line No. 14 and not less than 11 to be clear with the use of the line are included in the right places for coordination and readability. Then you can use a weighted line tools and a line to highlight the importance of what you write de use of colors

9. Do not neglect your social networking sites:

When the manager can not choose between two people resort to search for them on social networking sites then the person will win the active socially and accusing each new in their respective fields and who is keen to deal with all of the relationship Bmajalh

10. Do not write a word I often:

Demonstrating the extensive use of the word I'm on narcissism and awkwardness love of self so you must use interactive acts instead of the word I

11. Type the facts:

When you write lots and lots of critical and non-critical skills that you speak and the other manager feel that you lied and exaggerated Kzbk also the last thing you should know about you

12.la put your e-mail your work:

Director of the new work will not talk to you while you work in any old way and I think the reasons are clear and this is illogical as well. So you must put your personal email, which consists of your name and any other number to be unique and do not try to put the curious tendency of thy names

13. Do not write for your reference:

Do you know that 99% of applicants to write the phrase "Reference is available on-demand" and this sentence consume a line of biography, which is all the space in which resembles a piece of valuable land and it wastes inter will not be considered by the Director in the basis for that, of course, ask them in a personal interview