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Kids and sugars

Kids and sugars

A scientific study has shown that prevent children from eating sugar improve their health immediately, where he found that giving children and meals do not contain sugar led to a drop in pressure and cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Children were divided into two groups one of the two groups and meals containing sugar for 9 days dealt with, while the other group dealt with starchy foods contain the same amount of calories. As children weigh themselves to compensate for any shortfall in the weight to be compensated more starchy foods.

What his study concluded that reducing sugar in most of the child's diet led to improve children's health immediately, even if the diet still contains the same amount of calories and carbohydrates as before

Blood pressure dropped to normal rate, and the rate of triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels fell down as the rate of glucose in the blood dropped by 5 points and decreased insulin levels in the blood by a third!

 Each side of the metabolic aspects of health improved without any change in calories, this study shows conclusively show that sugar is harmful to the process of metabolism is not because of the calories, or effects on weight, but is harmful metabolism that sugar! . '

This study did not prove all the bad influence of sugar, but also proved that the concept of calorie or calorie is not the only determining factor in the diet, but the quality of calorimetry well and comes as the study proved -epeshkl indirectly that to reduce sugar intake role in reducing the weight of the child, even if number of calorie has not changed.

Within nine days of sick children turned into a healthy and this means that what we are giving them a major role in shaping their lives in a healthy or unhealthy.