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What are the husks Alaspegol?

ما هي قشور الاسبغولPeel Alospegol: -
 Alospegol peel plant, known scientifically b (Plantago Ovata), which is about husks and grains are separated from one another through a process called "Bagharblh", and there are elements inside of carbohydrates that quickly melt (non-starchy).

How work: -
Scientifically been monitoring the functioning of this herb; they absorb water from the intestines and stomach and any undesirable residues in the flesh, and have formed close to the mucus, surrounded stomach Vtlotf wall, and the remaining stomach is functioning normally digest food, and help in the absorption of vitamins in food.

Benefits husks Alospegol: -

These peels are working on reducing salt in the body; thereby reducing the chance of colon cancer.
 It has a wonderful ability to address obesity reduction (excessive); they are working on fats that are harmful to the body and LDL cholesterol absorption and conversion of waste graduating from the body, and help patients with heart disease and high blood pressure.
In cases of chronic constipation are advised to take the measure of these peels; they are working to reduce it, when its transformation into a sticky substance stomach and intestines It helps to get out waste products from the body, and reduce colon pain; they are repulsive natural gas are due to bloating associated with constipation.
 Working to reduce the absorption of blood glucose for those who suffer from diabetes; so reduce the possibility of rising or falling within normal limits.
 Those who suffer from stomach ulcers; drank this herb significantly help to remove heartburn, and to facilitate the process of digestion.
In cases of thirst; they have cooling properties of the intestines and stomach does not feel very thirsty, especially in cases of fasting.
 This herb and also when you absorb germs and alkali from the stomach, it helps to feel comfortable and calm, and reduce the feeling of laziness.
Those who suffer from hemorrhoids naturally it works as a laxative for the intestines -as we mentioned Sabaka- making it easy to output, and help reduce heartburn hemorrhoids.
 Non-patients as well, this herb should be within healthy lives; because of the most difficult problems faced by their rights are stomach and intestinal problems, when the accumulation of debris inside the human body leads to diseases that we have mentioned earlier, and to avoid the incidence of these diseases in the long run should be taken Balaanaat and caution and the work of cleaning the body through such a grassy herb.