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How to take care of the beauty of my face

كيف اعتني بجمال وجهي
Skin need to fully care, especially facial skin, which has long exposed to many external factors Kaltard to sunlight for a long time, and exposure to drought and dust and smoke, long working hours and fatigue, insomnia and lack of sleep are all factors that affect the skin negatively and lose freshness and vitality and beautiful radiance, you Madam follow the daily program to take care of your skin and getting used to it and make it part of your daily routine that you can not do without it never
  But look more vibrant skin and beauty Taatogayn Here are the following tips:
 In the morning before everything Wash your face with soap suitable for your skin, and if you want a convenient soap for all skin types Use children's soap, and rinse your face with warm water to get rid of the effects of soap, then rinse again with cold water to stimulate blood circulation and look of your skin more radiant glow, you can cubic pass snow on the cheeks to Tkzbe heroine of bright pink and recovery, you can then scan your face Btonak of herbs or citrus fruits for you look more vibrant, and to close the pores after cleaning your face, and if you do not have any kind of Altonik you can use rose water is fantastic in every sense of the word as well as the smell refreshing. Is the next step a special status daytime moisturizing cream and leave it for five minutes until penetrate skin completely, and can use a special moisturizing cream for the eyes, and if you do not Tmlkin enough money to buy a special lotion to moisturize the eyes you can simply use lotion for children to moisturize the eye area around it is very safe and inadequate, after wetting your face you little Alvaondishn and mascara put lipstick If you intend to go out make sure to put sunscreen with wearing sunglasses that offer protection for your eyes and preferably be of good quality to provide protection for the eyes and the area around the eyes. In the afternoon, whether you work or university or at home make sure to drink enough water distributed at intervals to keep up to moisturize your skin constantly, and try to Tmutira to eat a balanced healthy diet, you can eat a type of fruit or a dish of authority, or a cup of soup before a meal main lunch. In the evening, make sure to clean your face your milk to clean the face and the face wash after the lukewarm water, and Put cream moisturizer and skin care cream to be a special night, and if you suffer from fatigue Take a break and my Kmadtin of cotton moistened with rose water on your eyes for a quarter of an hour to seem more freshness, and then do not forget Eye Care put cream and, if not available, you can fat around the eye of cloth dampened with a little sesame oil, it is very useful for deep moisturizing and tightens as around the eyes because it contains antioxidants, then Take a great deal of sleep as the rest physical, psychological and calm Hama half of beauty. A week make sure to peel your skin either natural means or by using the peeled with a good quality, moist skin moisturizing twice, as you work Mask Nourishing commensurate with the nature of your skin once a week, and make sure well close the pores of your face after all the peeling process, but if you suffer from pores Use a wide face and rosewater Ktonak twice in the morning and the evening is a sponsor to end the problem. You can take vitamin E capsules every day to be under the supervision of a doctor they are useful vitamins for the skin and delay the onset of aging signs, as you work laboratory tests every six months to make sure the level of vitamins and minerals your body, because a lot of girls and women suffering from pallor and lack of freshness due an internal malfunction.