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Israel rejects French peace initiative

إسرائيل ترفض مبادرة السلام الفرنسية
Israel has officially rejected a peace initiative put forward by France, reaffirming that direct negotiations with the Palestinians is the only way to resolve the decades-old conflict.
A week ago, France announced that it will hold an international conference in Paris on May 30 in an attempt to re-launch negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis by the end of this year.
In a statement to the media issued by the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that "Israel is sticking to its position that it is the best way to resolve the conflict ... is through direct bilateral negotiations."
The statement did not say explicitly that Israel will not attend any other type of meetings, but added that "any further diplomatic initiative excluded Palestinians from direct talks."
With the faltering US efforts to broker an agreement on a two-state solution since April 2014, and Washington's focus on the presidential elections to be held in Paris in November got the approval of the countries to attend the conference sets a framework for the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table.
It is scheduled to include talks, being held in May, the International Quartet, comprising the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations, as well as the Arab League and the Security Council and about 20 countries.
Has not yet been invited Israelis or Palestinians Conference officials, but the Palestinians welcomed the French initiative, said Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki They are looking for help in his contract.
After a meeting between Pierre Vemun special French envoy Israeli diplomats last month, Israel announced that it is trying hard to "understand the logic" behind the initiative Paris, a French diplomat said at the time that the initiative is needed to avoid the outbreak of the situation.
The killing of 28 Israelis and two Americans, two were visiting Israel during the past six months in attacks carried out by Palestinians, while Israeli forces killed 193 Palestinians, at least, he says that 130 of them attackers, were killed in clashes and the rest protests.
Among the factors that have fueled violence frustration among the Palestinians of the deadlock in the negotiations on the establishment of a Palestinian state and the increasing settlement construction activities in the West Bank and increasing incursions Jews of Al-Aqsa Mosque