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System is a decisive battle »in Aleppo ... the United Nations warns of« catastrophe »

بعد غارة سورية على حلب أمس. (أ ب)
Syrian regular army mobilizes its forces in preparation for «decisive battle» start soon in northern Syria Aleppo region, at a time when the Syrian airline stepped up raids on the second largest city in the country, killing at least fifty civilians, including children, bringing to 200 the death toll in a week. The United Nations has warned of «catastrophe» exposed to the city of Aleppo, while a US official urged the Syrian opposition to get away from the «Front victory» which is classified as an organization a terrorist.
According to «Syrian Observatory for Human Rights» yesterday: «killed 31 civilians, at least, including three children, and dozens wounded in the air strikes targeted the neighborhoods of Bustan Palace and Kallaseh, diabetes and Alhaidariya and far and Aljlom and through the door» in the eastern part under the control of the opposition factions in Aleppo.
It was reported earlier that killed 20 civilians in three neighborhoods in the eastern region.
«18 civilians, including two children, and wounded 40 others injured as a result of the bombing of militant factions missiles to five neighborhoods» were also killed in the western side under the regime's control.
Said an AFP correspondent in the eastern neighborhoods «There are a lot of people under the rubble, and civil defense teams tired a lot during the past few days», adding: «The situation is very bad». He explained «It's the wave of the heaviest raids on the eastern neighborhoods within a week, and did not depart warplanes atmosphere of the city», adding that «window did not remain in all the eastern regions did not shatter, because of pressure from the rocket explosion». Abdul Rahman stressed that «the exchange of shelling is still going on between the parties.»
He was killed the night 30 civilians were targeted as a result of warplanes Jerusalem field hospital and a residential building in the neighborhood of diabetes, on the eastern side.
Organization «Doctors Without Borders» she said in Tweets on the site «Twitter» she was supporting Jerusalem hospital destroyed by the raid, referring to the fall of the «three doctors» among the victims. State television said Thursday that the military denied targeting Syrian fighter jets to a hospital in the city of Aleppo in the north of the country.
«Observatory» said the air strikes hit the Al Quds hospital in Aleppo last night, killing at least 27 people.
Aleppo is one of the most prominent areas covered by the cessation of hostilities in force since 27 February, which was reached at the US agreement - Rossi won the support of the Security Council. But they are growing military escalation over a week ago and exchanged almost daily bombardment inflicted 197 civilians killed, according to the «Observatory». And targeting warplanes of the system forces the eastern neighborhoods under the control of opposition factions, contained the recent bombing of the western neighborhoods missiles.
He warned the international envoy Staffan de Mistura told a news conference Wednesday at the escalation of violence in Syria, especially in Aleppo, despite the cessation of hostilities agreement. He said «during the last 48 hours Syrian killed every 25 minutes.» The sign military escalation continued through the week, nearly two hundred deaths among civilians in the former city of Aleppo, Syria's economic capital.
In Geneva, the United Nations said that the situation in Aleppo «catastrophic» after bloody raids last night at the hospital. And warned of the risk of artery aid, which delivers it to the millions of Syrians stopped. Said Jan Egeland, head of the humanitarian action group of the United Nations, told reporters after a weekly meeting of the major powers and regional members of the «international community to support Syria»: «I can not express how dire the situation in the hours or days ahead». The «International was informed members of the group to support Syria directly today, the catastrophic deterioration in Aleppo during the day or the last two days ... as well as in parts of Homs region».
UN official also called for aid to allow access to 35 trapping zone and inaccessible during the next month. Egeland said: «stakes are too great in the hours and days ahead (..) There is a lot of human lives in the balance».

«Decisive battle»
Wrote near the regime newspaper «home» in an editorial Thursday: «The time for the start of the battle to liberate Aleppo full of abomination terrorism», adding that «not a secret that the Syrian Arab Army crowd warmed up with his allies the decisive battle that will not be long to embrace the time nor resolved the time» .
The government source told AFP that «the army is preparing for a massive battle in the coming days to flush out militants from across the besieged city of Aleppo and the creation of a safe zone».
The newspaper considered that «the political and military leadership has given an opportunity for a truce to stop the bloodshed and was granted political settlement window of opportunity in Geneva, in response to the request of the Russians friends, with that military operations before the cessation of hostilities was moving towards resolving the conflict in Aleppo».
«Home» wrote that «the army sent a letter last Thursday to the terrorists and their supporters north of Aleppo (...) it is able to complete the ring around the city and besieged the terrorists in the eastern neighborhoods of them».
And he acknowledged the truce in Syria under the auspices of the United States and Russia in preparation for the negotiations between the regime and the opposition, in order to find a settlement to the conflict killed more than 270,000 people dead in five years.
And it ended on Wednesday, the third round of indirect negotiations in Geneva, without making any progress on finding a political solution to the crisis. The supreme body of the negotiations represented a wide spectrum of opposition, it was suspended a few days before their participation in the negotiations in response to what it considered repeated violations by the regime of the truce.
The US envoy Michael saw me in a statement yesterday that «the US government know that the city of Aleppo is not under the exclusive control of the Front victory, but controlled by a variety of factions of the armed opposition. We have good relationships with many of those factions and support in different ways. The existence of this revolutionary factions - all of which have announced their support for a truce - in most areas in the city of Aleppo makes attacks and indiscriminate shelling that occurred in the city's opposition-controlled parts is an abomination for us. »
He continued: «There is no excuse at all permissible to attack civilian neighborhoods, killing children and innocent people, explosive barrels or any other type of indiscriminate weapons. There is no excuse for any attempt to put the city of Aleppo under siege. However, it is true that the Front victory is not part of the cessation of hostilities. And presence in the areas controlled by the opposition is a problem for all nations and all people who want to fight against terrorism. It has been among the Syrian people clearly that he stands against terrorism in all its forms, whether it was him in the form of indiscriminate attacks against civilian populations explosive barrels, or in the form of extremists seeking to hijack the revolution, and refuse to symbols, and who would expose the Syrian people for the war never ends ».
He added: «We do not accept the logic of those who say that« all the opposition is the Front victory »or who justify attacks on the moderate Syrian opposition websites by claiming the existence of victory close to them, but at the same time, the Syrian people and factions revolutionary to continue in their refusal terrorism in all its forms and distance themselves from the terrorists to the maximum degree possible. This will strengthen our ability to maintain the truce and ease the suffering of the Syrian people. »

«Concern» about the deployment of 250 US soldiers
The news «The official Syrian news agency» (SANA) Foreign saying it is deeply concerned about reports of the entry of 150 US soldiers northeast of Syria, calling it «the flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty.»
It came two days after the United States, a statement that it will send more troops in Syria. The Syrian Foreign Ministry: «We received with great concern the reports about the entry of 150 American soldiers to the Syrian territory in the area Rmelan» in Hasaka province.
In the meantime, «SANA» reported that President Bashar al-Assad said during a meeting with US Senator Richard Black to «eliminate terrorism requires joint international effort, not only on the military front but also on the level of combat thought.»
Furthermore, «Observatory» he killed «53 fighters from the militant factions, Islamic and most of them, and 11 fighters from Syria democratic forces during the ongoing battles since the day before yesterday in the vicinity of Tel filed in the northern Aleppo countryside.»
The fighting broke out after an attack by militant factions, including the «Ahrar al-Sham» and «Corps Levant», north of Tel filed in an attempt to restore the democratic forces of Syria, a coalition of Arab and Kurdish factions led by People's Protection Units Kurdish.