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Some of the benefits of ginger.

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The benefits of ginger to the scalp:

Ginger is considered an effective treatment for hair loss, where he works to stimulate blood circulation; it accelerates from the rich blood supply needed for the scalp of food process, but it is advisable to massage the scalp a few slices of ginger hair. Among the benefits of ginger that works to bring the beauty and strength of the hair. A useful admixtures to lengthen the hair of the head, which is ginger is an essential component to her, where she works on the germination of strong hair, protecting it from rainfall, is the mixture of ginger, ground, plus a tablespoon of sesame oil, Emsjan together, then rub their scalp, and leave this mixture the whole night on the hair, and when you wake up wash the hair. And the use of this recipe three times a week, and the hair will come back after a period of normal development.

Benefits of ginger for the skin: -

Ginger has a great interest in lightening and purifying the skin, and it also benefits the laundering and cleaning of the skin. Among the most important natural mixtures useful for the skin using ginger, mix grated ginger, plus a spoonful of honey and one teaspoon Brewer's yeast, and half a lemon and egg white, simple and the amount of ginger. We clean the skin and washed before you put sauce on them, and then mix the above ingredients and put them for a quarter of an hour, then wash your face well.

Benefits of ginger race: -

It is the ginger is very useful in raising and strengthening of sexual arousal among spouses, as is ginger powerful treatment for people with weakness and impotence, and the benefits of ginger that delay of ejaculation in men, and is ginger powerful adjunct in the process of erection in men, and is ginger important to get rid of smells resulting from vaginal discharge in women. Advised by mixing ground ginger, ground black pepper, and flour is also Arabic gum, cloves, where mix these ingredients with honey, and placed on the fire until the mixture is cooked, and must Continuously taking a teaspoon of it every day.

Benefits of ginger for pregnant women: -

Ginger has great utility in the treatment of nausea and vomiting for a pregnant woman, and the benefits of ginger it is important to get rid of lust craving. It helps eating a teaspoon three times a day from the ground ginger to get rid of nausea and vomiting. Where the soaked green ginger (fresh) in apple cider vinegar for two nights, and then dried, if you like Chick-peas and eat it every day. Before Nhodk of bed in the morning, drink the local ginger honey, can eat biscuits (tea) with ginger, and wait to take effect, then get up from bed.

The benefits of fresh ginger: -

In addition to the rich benefits prior to plant ginger male at the top, there are other important benefits, including: oils in ginger works to stimulate blood circulation, and processed ginger stomach ache and treatment of diarrhea caused by the cold in the air, and concludes patient with cough and accumulation of phlegm from this damage. The ginger purge intestines and digestive system, and protect them from poisoning of food.

 Preparations of ginger: -

Resides in dried ginger is peeled markets, ginger, peeled and also exist in the form of powder, flat cut, as well as fresh soft ginger and found in some shops, also resides ginger oil, capsules, pharmaceutical and discs of ginger in the supplementary food stores and in pharmacies.