مساحة إعلانية

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The olive tree in Palestine.

شجرة الزيتون في فلسطينFor as long as peace has been associated with an olive branch and a dove of Noah's Ark it flew above the ground to make sure the water you drink all the flood, she went back to Noah an olive branch, to suggest the establishment of peace and security. When Palestine was an airstrip of the three monotheistic religions, and the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is historically and spectacle over the centuries, olive trees were what Taza g parked root depth in the arteries of the Earth, one of the main in Palestine crops, and trees that God blessed them in the holy book where he said "kindles from a blessed tree, olive neither of the East nor West." And increases the number of olive trees planted in Palestine than ten million trees planted in the area of ​​more than 900 thousand acres, make up 50% of the cultivated area, and occupies most of the mountainous regions, which are most prevalent tree in comparison with other fruit forms, which make up an area of ​​80% with the trees other fruit. And enjoy the olive tree is of paramount importance, and this does not come from a vacuum, it has been proven in scientific laboratories, the Palestinian olive oil has the highest proportion of the most Alphenullac in the world, it contains unsaturated fatty acids, which works to reduce high cholesterol in the blood, and it contains vitamins and antioxidants, and some compounds such as polyphenols and olive oil, all of these components reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. And it located the oldest olive tree in the world in the hills of Jerusalem in Palestine, where she estimated that more than 5,500 a year, measuring 20 meters in diameter, and reconstructing the olive trees so long, and full of Palestine-old trees, stretches for more than two thousand years. And production of Palestine olive oil is 33 thousand tons in a good year, and about seven thousand a year is good, and contributes to the olive harvest in the national income, including rate of 2.14%, and contributes to the operation of many poor families in the harvest season, which dates back enough income for 100 thousand Palestinian families, working olive cultivation to run factories and contemporary, which contributes to the industrial and economic movement of the wheel and the benefit of the state institutions. In recent times the olive sector in Palestine, where the decline decreased economic value for a variety of reasons, such as climate, reduced the amount of rainfall, as the olive tree is heavily dependent on rain in addition to the fragmentation of the property, a large number of families have lost their lands, reducing olive trees care. And it served local and international agencies to improve the productivity of olive dynasty and its support for strengthening the Palestinian economy, and raise awareness about how the attention and care of the crop, and focus more on improving the quality of olive oil and processes related to it, and there are ways to take care of him like a gatherer types (caning, pickup hands) are then transport and storage of fruits and age and canning and packaging, and to find some modern methods and contemporary to distinguish it from other productions of other countries, to raise the rival Palestinian olive oil worldwide, and put it at the head of the Supreme markets summit.