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What is the name of the ancient Egyptian civilization

What is the name of the ancient Egyptian civilization

ما إسم الحضارة المصرية القديمة
area of ​​modern Middle East, and it was that civilization adoption in the prosperity of the existence of a water source of a renewed and is the Nile River, which man has helped to stabilize its banks and the practice of craft agriculture and create one of the first Grand Central states of antiquity. And you know the ancient Egyptian civilization Pharaonic civilization relative to the titles that the title of the rulers themselves in those abysmal periods, where the rulers consider themselves descendants of the ancient gods. And the language used in those ages called the Pharaonic language for writing that has spread on the walls of temples and tombs built by the Egyptians, and that was writing sacred used by the priests and rulers in their writings, in contrast to the language used among the general public, which was dubbed the demotic, and Egyptians have continued to speak in that language until the Islamic conquest and the Arabization of the Egyptian state. And at the moment in Egyptian colloquial it possesses many of the ancient Pharaonic vocabulary and demotic, in addition to the Coptic language used in Christian prayers for the followers of the Egyptian Orthodox Church. Ancient Egyptian civilization began in the physical presence and continuous since the unification of diagonal major Egyptian kingdom by King Narmer, it was boiled before it is divided two kingdoms of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. After the unification of the Egyptian state continued to exist until it fell at the hands of the Romans during the reign of Queen Cleopatra another Egyptian queens, and since Egypt became a Roman province until the Arab conquest at the hands of the companion Amr ibn al-Aas. And it has contributed to the ancient Egyptian civilization in adding many civilizational achievements to the world through the knowledge of agriculture, stability and create the first major central country in the region, and may be accompanied by the presence of major achievements in various fields in architecture and sculpture and painting, and the use of natural materials in the chemical industries, as well as a great knowledge of the science of astronomy and mathematics. As it laid the ancient Egyptian civilization civilized format featured through additions in the areas of arts and literature. And there are many literary Blog messages and judgment on the papyri found by archaeological discoveries in and around Egypt have affected the culture of the region from Iraq and northern Syria, and even southern Sudan and North Africa region up to the present-day Tunisia.